McGuinn Hall 406
Telephone: 617-552-4134
Email: kadivarm@lsxythnjy.com
Politics, Comparative Historical Analysis, Social Movements, Global Sociology, Middle East, Iran
Mohammad Ali Kadivar is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Studies. His work contributes to political and comparative-historical sociology by exploring the interaction between protest movements and democratization. His work contributes to political and comparative-historical sociology by exploring the causes, dynamics, and consequences of protest movements.
This work grows out of his experience as a participant-observer of the pro-democracy movement in Iran, but his research agenda moves outward from this case to explore these issues on a global scale, using case studies, comparative-historical methods, and statistical analyses.
He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and earned a MA and BA in political science from University of Tehran in Iran. From 2016 to 2018, Kadivar was a postdoctoral fellow at Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University.
Kadivar’s research has been published in the American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Comparative Politics, Socius, Mobilization, and Sociology of Development. His work has won awards from the Collective Behavior and Social Movement (CBSM), Comparative Historical Sociology, Global and Transnational Sociology, Sociology of Development, and Peace, War and Social Conflict sections of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Kadivar's first book is forthcoming in 2022 with Princeton University Press. He has also published analyses of Iranian politics for public audiences in English and Farsi in outlets such as Foreign Affairs, Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, and BBC Persian.
Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2022. Popular Politics and the Path to Durable Democracy. Princeton University Press.
Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, & Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2023. “The effect of Islamic Revolution and War on Income Inequality in Iran.” Empirical Economics [PDF].
Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2022. "Revolution and Social Development in Iran." Sociology of Development. 8(2). [PDF]
Kadivar, Mohammad Ali, and Vahid Abedini. 2020. “Electoral Activism in Iran: A Mechanism for Political Change.” Comparative Politics 52(3):493–514 [PDF].
Kadivar, Mohammad Ali, Adaner Usmani, and Benjamin H. Bradlow. 2020. “The Long March: Deep Democracy in Cross-National Perspective.” Social Forces 98(3):1311–1338 [PDF].
Mohammad Ali Kadivar & Neil Ketchley. 2018. “Sticks, Stones and Molotov Cocktails: Unarmed Collective Violence and Democratization,” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 4: 1-16 [PDF][Supplemental Material].
Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2018. “Mass Mobilization & the Durability of New Democracies.” American Sociological Review, 83(2): 390-417 [PDF][Supplemental Material].صث
Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2017. “Preelection Mobilization and Electoral Outcome in Authoritarian Regimes.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 22 (30): 293-310 [PDF].
Mohammad Ali Kadivar & Neal Caren. 2016. “Disruptive Democratization: Contentious Events and Liberalizing Outcomes Globally, 1990-2004.” Social Forces 94(3): 975-996 [PDF].
Mohammad Ali Kadivar. 2013. “Perception Profiles, and Alliances in the Iranian Reform Movement, 1997-2005.” American Sociological Review, 78(6): 1063–1086 [PDF].