McGuinn Hall 402
Telephone: 617-552-4146
Email: eve.spangler@lsxythnjy.com
SOCY3306/UNCP55340: Making History in a Changing World
OCY1072 – Inequality in America
SOCY2215 – Social Theory
SOCY3305 – Capstone: Case Studies of Lives in Context
SOCY7715 – Classical Theory Proseminar
SOCY3367 – Human Rights and Social Justice in Israel & Palestine
SOCY3366 – Health and Human Rights in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
(summers only)
Inequality and Intersectionality; Classical Sociological Theory; Health, Human Rights and Social Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; Work Organization: Health and Safety in the Global Economy.
I have always positioned my work within public sociology, using scholarly methods to contribute to the struggle for social justice. Class inequality has been the focus of much of my work. I have investigated the career patterns of blue collar college graduates (they rarely catch up to their more privileged classmates); the experiences of professionals as their work is reorganized from independent to salaried forms (they lose autonomy); and the safety and health of workplaces (generally better served by labor militancy than by managerial enlightenment). Through these studies, I have also become interested in gender, e.g. around issues of sexual harassment at work, and in issues of race, especially as Islamophobia, an emerging form of racism, complicates American participation in a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. My most recent work is focused on human rights and social justice struggles in Palestine and Israel.
Within the community, I serve as a board member of the Human and Civil Rights Organizations of America, a founding board member of American Jews for a Just Peace, a teacher for Jewish Voices for Peace adult education programs, and a frequent evaluator of applied academic programs (e.g. The Center for Women and Politics, and the Center for Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts, Program in Applied Sociology, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota).
Elsa Auerbach, Sara Roy, Eve Spangler, “The Safety of Others,” London Review of Books, blog: 5 April 2022.
Elsa Auerbach, Sara Rooy, Eve Spangler, "The ADL, Progressives and White Nationalists," Counterpunch, 10 June 2022.
Spangler, Eve. 2015. Understanding Israel/Palestine: Race, Nation, and Human Rights in the Conflict. New York: Sense Publishers, 2015.
Spangler, Eve. 2013. “No Exit: The Shadow of the Nakba in Palestinian Film,” chapter in John Michalczyk and Raymond Helmick, (eds). Genocide in Film, Peter Lang, Inc., pp. 205-216.
Spangler, Eve. 2011. “The Generous Offer (Krauthammer’s Fable)” Counterpunch.
Spangler, Eve. 2010. “Attacking Humanitarian Aid: Public Relations Blunder or Strategic Necessity?” Counterpunch.
Spangler, Eve. 2008. “Sexual Harassment: Labor Relations by Other Means?” in Charles Levenstein (ed.) At the Point of Production: The Social Analysis of Occupational and Environmental Health, New York: Baywood Press.
Spangler, Eve. 2008. “Politics, Profits, and Social Justice in the Contemporary American University,” chapter in Open for Business: The Overcommercialization of Higher Education, Churistian Gilde, Ed. Lexington Books.
Spangler, Eve. 2008. “Safeguarding Uncertain Futures,” Christian Gilde and Eve Spangler, concluding chapter in Open for Business: The Overcommercialization of Higher Education, Churistian Gilde, Ed. Lexington Books.
Spangler, Eve. 2008. “We Should not Celebrate Dispossession,” Counterpunch.
Spangler, Eve. 2008. “What’s Missing from the New York Times: The Deaths of Children,” Counterpunch.