McGuinn Hall 408
Telephone: 617-552-6864
Email: wen.fan@lsxythnjy.com
ORCID 0000-0001-6124-8331
Sociology of Health, Medical Sociology, Life Course, Aging, Work and Family, Gender, Social Demography, Quantitative Methods
Wen Fan is an Associate Professor of Sociology. She received her Ph.D. in 2015 from the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota. She also holds an M.S. in Statistics from the Department of Statistics at the University of Minnesota.
Currently Fan is working on three projects. The first is an NSF project on continuities, changes, and disparities in the experiences of remote and hybrid work in the time of COVID-19 (with Phyllis Moen). The second is on the worker, organizational, and societal impacts of a four day workweek trial that is currently ongoing in a wide range of organizations in the U.S. and other high-income countries (with Juliet Schor and Orla Kelly). In a third project, she is a co-investigator studying the pandemic-precipitated social change and mental health impacts in China (funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research) (PI: Yue Qian).
Lam, Jack, Kimberly Fox, Wen Fan, Phyllis Moen, Erin Kelly, Leslie Hammer, and Ellen Kossek. 2015. “Manager Characteristics and Employee Job Insecurity around a Merger Announcement: The Role of Status and Crossover.” The Sociological Quarterly 56(3): 558-580.
Fan, Wen, and Phyllis Moen. Forthcoming. “COMMENT: Capturing Linked Lives: A Promising New Method.” Sociological Methodology 45.
Fan, Wen, Jack Lam, Phyllis Moen, Erin Kelly, Rosalind King, and Susan McHale. 2015. “Constrained Choices: Linking Employees’ and Spouses’ Work Conditions to Health Behaviors.” Social Science & Medicine 126: 99-109.
Fan, Wen, and Yue Qian. 2015. “Long-Term Health and Socioeconomic Consequences of Early-Life Exposure to the 1959-1961 Chinese Famine.” Social Science Research 49: 53-69.
Kelly, Erin, Phyllis Moen, J. Michael Oakes, Wen Fan, Cassandra Okechukwu, Kelly D. Davis, Leslie Hammer, Ellen Kossek, Rosalind Berkowitz King, Ginger Hanson, Frank Mierzwa, and Lynne Casper. 2014. “Changing Work and Work-Family Conflict: Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Network.” American Sociological Review 79(3): 485-516.
Lam, Jack, Wen Fan, and Phyllis Moen. 2014. “Is Insecurity Worse for Well-being in Turbulent Times? Mental Health in Context.” Society and Mental Health 4(1): 55-73. (Featured podcast)
Moen, Phyllis, Wen Fan, and Erin Kelly. 2013. “Team-Level Flexibility, Work-Home Spillover, and Health Behavior.” Social Science & Medicine 84: 69-79.